We are a small group of enthusiasts with a small collection of vehicles preserving them for the future. We take pride in completing restorations to a high standard to relive the time of when they were new. Currently the group vehicle size consists of 5 vehicles and always plan to grow this. We take pride in the vehicles we own and are always working hard to restore them to the best condition they can be, no matter how much work is needed!
We attend a variety of shows, rallies and events across the UK allowing all walks of life to love the vehicles as much as we love them. Explore our collection to find out more about their history and future plans.
While we work on real buses we also work on fake ones too! We develop add-on content for the popular OMSI 2 Bus Simulator where we strive to develop the best content we can.
Our Facebook page is the best place to get up-to-date news and updates about our preservation projects as well as events we're attending. You'll be the first to hear about progress on our preservation projects and engage in conversation with fellow members of the preservation community.